Ectopic Pregnancy and possibly a healthy baby in uterus

The day after I found out that I was pregnant I started having really bad sharp pains on the right lower side of my stomach. I was at work when the pains started and I was crying my eyes out it hurting so bad. My boss told me to go to the doctor I called my OBGYN and she made me an appointment for later that day but I couldn't wait that long so I end up going to the ER. They diagnosed it as a possible miscarriage the next day I had to go to my OBGYN for blood work and they called me back later that day and told me to come in as soon as I can. They diagnosed it as it at the ectopic pregnancy!!!! Which is also called a tubal pregnancy. Which means the baby is stuck in my fallopian tube. The doctors gave me the option of getting the shot or to have surgery but they highly recommended the surgery because my HGC levels they doubled which means that there is possibly a healthy baby in my uterus. I had to stay in the hospital overnight so they could keep me monitored. I had surgery the next morning and they removed the baby. I have my follow up appointment on Thursday I'm so scared! What if there is a healthy baby and what if the surgery affected the baby that was in my uterus and now something wrong with healthy baby!!?? I took another pregnancy test yesterday and it was positive. I'm not sure if that's because my HGC levels havent went down yet or because there is a baby in my uterus!