I should really cut ppl off

Yesterday I was told I was fat by 2 people and that I need to diet. Then I was tagged in a meme as a joke and the comment said I had a flat / bad butt. By a guy I used to genuinely love but now he’s a dick to me all the time. I can’t do or say anything cuz he recently tried killing himself and I don’t want to upset him so I’m just taking his shit but it sucks so much cuz he used to be super nice and we were really really close. But he changed.

Then this guy I’m “ talking” to , we FaceTime some nights so I asked if he wanted to last night and his response was that he didn’t care if we did or not. That one isn’t that big of a deal but damn it hurt.

I must be posing cuz I’ve been crying the last couple days non stop. And this morning I woke up with a sore throat and a cough AND I HAVE ASTHMA SO IF ITS CORONA IM DEAD. Dramatic but dead. But I told the job that just hired me that I can’t come in cuz I’m isolating and now they are thinking it giving the position to someone else. So fuck me.