Boobie monster & weaning advice


This is my little boobie monster, Tucker. He is 20 months and refuses to quit breastfeeding. He is obsessed with my breasts.

He wakes in the middle of the night to feed like 3 different times and feeds when I lay him down for naps and bedtime.

I'm also breastfeeding a 3 month old so it's making it more difficult to stop when he sees me feeding her. But I have noticed if I cover up, that helps alot.

He screams and cries in the middle of the night for long periods of time if i dont give him my boob right away. Its exhausting. I dont know if the crying is because hes going through something or not. Or if hes just really demanding.

Someone please give me advice. I really wanted him to quit breastfeeding on his own but that's not looking very likely.