Should I skip this cycle?

Two cycles ago was my last round of letrozole and I was supposed to make a follow up appointment afterwards since it was unsuccessful. I decided to take a break last cycle and my plan was to make an appointment when my period started again this cycle. Well it started last night, but because of COVID-19, I can't make an appointment.

I have a bottle of letrozole leftover from November. My period was starting weird and my doctor wanted me to have labs done testing my HCG. That delayed everything and by the time everythi g was sorted out, it was too late for me to start letrozole that round. So I was thinking about just using that bottle this cycle. But should I just wait? Would it be bad if I did conceive this cycle, with the virus going around? I have already done 5 rounds of letrozole, so I doubt this round would even work, but I don't know.