Kind of gutted


So I had 2 rounds of <a href="">IUI</a> last year, one in August and another in September. Both didn’t work. We decided to have a break to let my body rest from the meds and because it was so hard to fit appointments in around work.

We were finally ready to have another go in December, but my dates fell over New Year and so we then had to wait until January.

Although we thought the 3rd round had failed initially, a vvvvvfl caught our eye, hours outside of the time frame. We bought another dye test and still couldn’t tell if it was positive or not. I sent photos to the clinic and they said the tests looked negative but that we could confirm with a digital. During a short break at work, I tested and to my utter disbelief, it said I was pregnant! It was Valentine’s Day and the day before my partner’s birthday!

We had a beta test and the number was low. We had to go back again and the number had more than doubled, thank God! But they still wanted us to do another beta because the levels, although climbing, were low. The final test revealed a drop in HCG and the clinic confirmed I had a chemical pregnancy.

The most frustrating part was that we were all set to start <a href="">IVF</a> on the Monday, 3 days after we thought we finally had our positive. The pessaries I was on delayed my period and the clinic wanted me to wait until my HCG levels all dropped again anyway.

So, we geared up for this month. I’ve now got all my medications. My pre-bleed scan was booked for tomorrow morning and I had all 4 following scans booked in too. As I work in schools, it looked like my egg retrieval would fall during the holidays.

And then I got the phone call to say it’s all off, probably for 3 months. I’m really grateful that I hadn’t started medication, but started spotting this evening, early. The nurse said they know how keen we are to do this and that they will contact us as soon as they are able. I also learned that I have a diminished ovarian reserve after I had my chemical. I’ll be 37 in October and I’m starting to worry.