6 weeks pregnant

This is my first pregnancy so just wanted to share what I’m experiencing and see if anyone else can relate or has comments!

A couple of days ago I started to feel nauseous at all parts of the day and extremely fatigued. I’m a teacher so it’s not easy for me to keep up with the energy required to teach. I’m worried I’ll start vomiting any day.

I have also started to have food aversions and don’t feel like eating my normal food. My husband made this delicious coconut rice dish with fresh veggies and at the beginning of the week I told him that I could eat this every day, two days later, I can’t even think about eating it. I’m also less hungry and then at times more hungry.

I also crave more fruit. Bananas and nectarines are more pleasing for me.

I’ve heard craving fruit means it’s a girl?

Any thoughts?