Sharing the story **updated to saturday morning


I have a 3 year old boy with mental health and physically health. On wednesday we got told tocquarinte ourselves for 14 days. Noah has managed to catch the virus they believe but wont test him. So I thought I would tell you guys about how it may affect your younger kids. By telling you how we are getting on and what's happend. So noah had undiagnosed breathing g issue just now. He has had a couple operarions in his life to see why. But never given answer.

We went to bed tuesday night, everything seemed fine he woke more then usual. But settled quite quickly.

Wednesaday morning. He woke up rather unenthusiasticly and just wanted loads of snuggles. So he snuggled for about an hour and decided to check his temp it was 38.2 ( we are in the uk I dont know the other terms sorry). So okay, he has a temp. Meds in, and check in a bit. Well then he refuses breakfast and is barely drinking. Starts coughing more regularly. ( well fuck!) I check his temp again by now the meds have been in an hour n half his temp only went down to 37.9 still high for meds that are meant to bring it down!

Okay okay, re think call drs. Take hours to get anywhere with this! As the drs was closed for training , the hospital put me through to the health board who gave me an urgent care number to call which took forever!. So called them they told me to treat it like the virus iolation 14 days due to his breathing problems. Well fine.

However even with meds Noah's twmp was going up to 38.6 ! Well that's not good, he has one lot of convolutions his breathing starts playing up worse then usual! .. fine fine. Call the drs again and say his belly is waving and he really is struggling to breathe please canci get him checked?.

Drs come out about anh our later, at which point Noah is napping. He not long had meds temp still up in the 38s . His breathing had calmed. The drs are aware that I've dealt with Noah's breathing since he was born so not to scare or upset him asked if I could just.monitor him at home and if he really looks like he isnt getting enough oxygen in just to call for the ambulance and state its possibly covid mixed with breathing problems.

He woke up and tried dinner which was just toast. But ate it. And drank a little bit. Which did require me holding his juice pot to convince him. Wednesday night I spent getting up every couple of hours. Up checkingnhis breathing and temp. Where he then had two lots of convolutions during the night.

Thursday. WELL LET ME TELL YOU he woke up fine and fucking dandy for the first hour. Temp was still slightly high but not overally. He played for the first hour had a little breakfast. Then napped on and off all morning. While I disinfected and cleaned my kitchen. ( noah never naps btw). He then played and had lunch and more meds. 0played a bit more. He rested on the sofa on and off during this. But never napped. Had toast again for dinner but then also had some orange and packet of biscuits as well. After he had another little play, then a bath as he kept asking. Then meds and bed. His breathing was quite bad during the night. But not overally bad he only needed one lot of meds during the night.

Friday: we are up, he does not have a temp, but he wont eat! His coughing seems to be more noticeable today. But he seems well in himself other then that. Just gotta keep pushing these fluids through!. He had alot of energy all through the day. Destroyed my sitting room! And played loads!. Had a lingering cough but wasnt too bothered only needed meds in the afternoon to help with that and then again at 9pm.

Saturday. Noah woke up came into my room for snuggles, got up went downstairs, has eaten half his breakfast and is trying to play with his toys but he keeps lying down and is very quiet. I dont think he is feeling to great today!. Fingers crossed he improves through the day!