Getting off my meds, benzo withdrawals

A • Sold my soul for pizza rolls.

So I have been on 10mg of buspar and 0.5mg of klonopin for around 3 years now for my anxiety and over these 3 years I’ve learned to kinda manage my anxiety naturally and with meditation ect

I’ve tried to get off my klonopin before and got down to 0.25mg but couldn’t seem to get off that last 0.25. Do any of you have any tips on getting off of benzodiazepines and how to manage the withdrawals?

I use CBD for my anxiety and I’m open to any natural supplements! 

My dr did say it was safe for me to get off of my klonopin but isn’t that helpful when it comes to any advice on how to deal with the withdrawals /:

ANY advice is helpful!❤️