Ladies please advise me?? Im worried

I’m now 2 days late on my period, i have never been late before for as long as I can remember I’m usually like clockwork on a 22 day cycle... I am never late... my husband and I have had unprotected sex a few times this month and aren’t planning for a baby but if it happened we were okay with it.

I have done tests and come back negative but I really feel like auntie flo just isn’t coming? Boobs are sore and just generally felt out of sorts but no menstrual cramps at all... just a fair bit of CM

The reason i am worried is because I’d rather know so I can be careful as I am working in a hospital as a nurse with confirmed coronavirus... I know it sounds extreme but I would rather know so I can be careful?

If I was pregnant surely I would have had a positive by now? Has anyone ever had this experience where they have had negatives after a missed period for a number of days? Am I testing too early with a short cycle even though I’ve missed my period?

Anyone advise me please as I just feel concerned being at work at the moment if I was in the vulnerable category

Thanks in advance ❤️