Boyfriend and BDD?

My boyfriend and I have not been dating very long- 1 month to be exact. But during this time I have noticed that he is hyper critical of himself, specifically about his weight and eating habits. He is 6’1 and 175-180 pounds- all muscle. He works out excessively (around 2-3 hours a day) and tracks all of his calories, if he is slightly over he says things like “I’m going to get fat” ect. He says it in a joking way but I can tell he’s genuinely nervous to gain weight. He weighs himself everyday, sometimes several times a day. At first I thought he was just very fit and active but as someone who has and continues to struggle with an eating disorder I am starting to realize he is engaging in behavior that I feel like aligns with body dysmorphia. (I’m not a doctor or professional in this field so I do want to tread lightly with this) I am concerned about him but don’t know how to bring it up- especially since our relationship is so new. Any suggestions? I really care for him and want to help him but am afraid to step out of line and offend him especially because men and eating disorders are not frequently discussed.