I’m currently pregnant, 6 weeks and 1 day. This is my 3rd pregnancy. I have a 1 and 1/2 year old beautiful baby girl and I had a miscarriage a little while after and had no clue I was even pregnant until then. I found out exactly 2 weeks ago that I am pregnant but for the past week I have felt absolutely horrible, I can’t even explain what feels bad or what’s going on but it’s like I’m just extremely disoriented and not in my head if that makes sense... I know there’s tons of signs and symptoms that come with pregnancy, with my daughter I literally threw up ALL the time and lost a lot of weight at the beginning. This time, (knock on wood) I haven’t begun throwing up yet but I can’t eat just thinking of food makes me queasy and I’ve lost 10 pounds within the past two weeks that I really don’t have to lose. I’ve kept a migraine for the past 2 weeks, so weak, hurting extremely bad in my stomach like sharp pains not cramps and literally haven’t been able to do anything. I went to the doctor this past Tuesday and because I had such a hard pregnancy with my daughter I’m considered high risk and am being monitored by my doctor and the Women’s Institution for high risk pregnancy, they just weren’t concerned at my appt with anything going on. Did anyone else experience being disoriented or just literally couldn’t explain why they felt so bad but they just did? What did you do? I need help/advice so bad. I’m a SAHM and I feel like I’m slacking so bad in being there for my daughter and husband and I just want to feel better! 😭