Knee injury?


Back in 2015 I went ice skating and got a little overconfident and started skating fast, hit a chip in the ice, my whole body went into the air and I landed directly on my left knee first. It hurt for a few hours to the point I couldn’t walk or bend it and then the pain started to ease into a bad bruising and a bit of pain bending it for about a week. I decided not to go to the doctor because I’d been injured plenty and gone to the doctor just to be told There’s nothing they can really do just ice and heat when I get home and take ibuprofen. Well for the past 5 years I get pain in that knee on and off and weirdly it’s worse when the weather is changing. I also now have a kind of crescent shaped red spot that shows up over my knee cap if I take a hot shower or after the gym. I still get really bad days where I can’t sleep the pain is so bad (such as tonight) Do I possibly have an underlying injury and should I go to the doctor and get it checked out even though it doesn’t hurt ALL the time? I don’t want to waste my money on an expensive scan or X-ray or exam if they’re going to tell me nothing is wrong.

EDIT: I should also mention the pain radiates up to my Hip when it’s bad causing my knee, hip, and back to be in pain and sometimes it feels like I’m about to dislocate my knee if I just barely move it weird