Extracurricular activities


So in the United States and I am sure other parts of the world a lot of things are shutting down along with basically schools, sports, gymnastics anything pretty much that kids do. So if you are home with your kids with them having nothing else to do would you rather your kids doing some sort of musical instrument online if they could try two free lessons to see if you and them like it and if you had the musical instrument already in your home to give your kids something to do or would you rather put that money to use on something else? That is for the people who haven't lost their jobs. Kind of along the lines of how some schools are doing all online classes. Same concept for piano, guitar, voice, ukelele ect?

Edit to add: I am not saying force your kid to do it. I am saying give them an option to try it while they are home, two free lessons with no commitment and already have the instrument in their home.