It's my Sons birthday tomorrow.

Chesh • Mummy to Theodore and Daniel

And my partners (my childrens Dad) birthday... And mothers day...

And we can't really do anything for it. We had plans to go to one of the aquariums, but that's not going to happen. We can't even go out for a meal

The plan was so our 4 year old didn't feel "left out" because his birthday is in July. I also told my partner to not worry about mothers day, but of course he does. He wants to do something for me because (in his words) I'm the glue that holds the family together.

I tried going out and buying some party food, and barely got anything. The shops are stripped bare. I was lucky enough to get a small cake.

My 4 year old is already upset with being stuck in the house. We're going to try and clear the glass from the communal bit outside so he can at least ride his bike out there.

I'm so tired of this. I just want it to be over so things can go back to normal. 😓