School Closed Until April 20th... Thoughts? 🤔

So my school (I work there) is closed until April 20th. I’m thinking that probably won’t be enough time for this thing to run it’s course. I’m in Louisiana where we have quickly jumped from having no cases, to having the 7th highest number in the US. Just wondering if y’all think the same way or do some of y’all think that it’ll clear up by then. I think that we’re probably not going back to school this school year. It just doesn’t seem reasonable to think it will be cleared up in enough time to go back safely.

I’m only asking because our superintendent sent us all an email last night outlining “the plan” and he said very definitively that we WILL be returning to school April 20th. Seems weird to me since we haven’t even hit our peak yet and we’re only a couple of weeks into this thing in my state. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Just wondering yalls thoughts. Please be kind. There’s enough negativity going around right now. ❤️