Boss doesnt think the virus is a big deal

So, I have been having my hours cut because we have been having less and less work for everyone, I'm a housekeeper so Im not needed in a time like this. But my boss has just been.. so so horrible about the whole situation.

1. He was only mad that sports were canceled and blamed medical STAFF for the deaths that have been happening. No not the medical system. He blames the nurses, CNAs, doctors for people getting sick and dying.

2. He doesnt think kids can get it at all.

Thats just.. stupid.

3. He said the likelihood of people getting it is the same as if we got struck by lightning twice. We have around 179 cases REPORTED, and 49 of them are in the county I clean for.

And after making all of this seem like nothing and people are over reacting.. he started working from home. Im sorry, this may sound petty, and it is because I have very high risk people at my house and if I get this virus I wont have a home to go to, but If we get the virus from working out with people- who dont tell us when theyre sick- I want him to go down with us. Like if he has the audacity to say all of this shit and then self quarantine himself but not give a shit about his workers, one who is pregnant and others who are apart of the high risk community, then I think he should stick it out with us.

This is the end of my rant, thank you for reading.