Listen to your DOCTORS


I’ve made this post once before already last week in my month group. But I feel this needs to be said here as well.

PLEASE listen to your doctors right now. They are not banning guests, children, canceling appointments because they hate you or want to make your life more difficult. Your doctors are not actively trying to cause your more anxiety.

There is a legit virus that is rapidly spreading and they are doing EVERYTHING they can short of closing their doors and telling you to “fuck off” during this time of uncertainty. Now I know some of y’all feel they are telling you to fuck off because they have strict rules right now or may be temporarily cancelling nonessential appointments till further notice. A 10-12 week check up for a healthy pregnancy can wait a few more weeks, a high risk check up on an immune compromised patient can’t.

Yes some have had losses and your feelings, concerns, anxiety ,stress are very real. You have every right to feels the way you do. However we need to be considerate of those who may be worse off than our selves.

My office last week had a mandatory sanitation station set up before entering the office and one child under the age of one or one guest was allowed. Now NO guest, regardless of age, are allowed and must wait in their vehicles. This isn’t to punish your family/friends. This is to keep US as healthy as possible. Our immune systems aren’t “normal” right now, some parts are heighten while others are weakened tremendously.

For instance it’s also allergy season, I have severe allergies to begin with, however while pregnant they are MUCH worse. I had to get a doctors note to take to another doctor stating I’m suffering from seasonal allergies, not contagious and should be allowed to be seen. This was so that my doctor could check the healing of my completely torn ligament in my ankle. It’s not healed still at all btw.

These are what people are going through right now. People are having to jump through hoops to be seen for legitimate reasons. I can’t walk with out a medical boot. My doctors office wasn’t trying to be mean or cause more problems by saying I needed a doctors note proving I’m not sick. They are looking out for their other patients. So please LISTEN to your doctors and don’t take it personally.