Who should my character get with? (Please read description before voting)

Hello ladies! I have this game called Choices on my phone that I love playing. On one story I'm playing is called Baby Bump. Well my characters name is Danielle and at the very beginning of the story, she has a one night stand with a guy named Blake. She accidentally gets pregnant and decides to keep it. Blake is very rich and proper. He is also very sweet and charming. He lives in a big mansion with his parents. Blake is always in an expensive suit and looking his best. (Though he's not as dressed up in the picture I attached because they are at a country dance hall). Danielle has never met his parents but have been warned that they may not like her for not being wealthy like them, and they might look down on her. They have a family friend who is practically obsessed with Blake and has been trying to ruin Danielle's life throughout the whole story. Blake has been there every step of the way though, he's gone to all of her doctors appointments with her, given her things she'll need for the baby, etc.. No matter what, Blake is going to be part of the babies life.

Miles is her former boss. When she got pregnant, she moved in with her sister (in a different town) and started working for Miles. She didn't work there for very long though because Blake's family friend has connections and forced her to get fired. (Miles fought to keep her at the company but wasn't able to.) Miles is a very serious man but when he's around Danielle, he loosens up and relaxes more, becomes more fun. Miles is a country boy, but he's also the mayor of the town. He and Danielle have more in common than she and Blake do. They have also shared a romantic moment or two together. Miles also helped Blake make the babies crib.

Now that the story is almost over, I have to decide who Danielle gets with. I have attached photos below of both men. I just can't decide! I want her to get with Miles because I think they'd make a good couple and they have a lot more in common but Blake would make a fantastic father and even though it would be harder in their relationship, I think they might be good together as well.

Please help me decide and explain why you picked the man you did. Thanks! ☺️

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