How can I lose weight healthily?


Just yesterday I went on the scale and found out I’m 127.6 pounds. A few days ago before I checked my weight and it was around 128. I generally don’t get worried about what I see on the scale but this is the first time my weight has gone up this much. I’m about 5’2 and my weight has generally stayed around 118-122. Just a couple months ago I was like 122 so I don’t get how I can be 128. At first when I saw I was 128 I wasn’t worried because I thought it’s probably from eating a lot the day before and it’s just water weight, but after a few days of eating pretty well and working out harder than I normally do I’m still around 128.

I don’t get it, I haven’t been weightlifting lately like I did a couple months ago (I’ve been getting into yoga and have been really liking it), but my body doesn’t seem to really have changed. I checked my waist and it’s around 27 inches when normally it’s 26, but nothing else has really changed.

I don’t like counting calories (I’ve done it for a few years and it really messed up my relationship with food and how I view my body), and I’m not looking to restrict myself. All I really want is to eat intuitively (I’ve been doing this since last August but in the past few months I’ve been thinking about food A LOT more and have started counting my calories every now and then) and be at a weight I feel comfortable at.

When I first started eating intuitively I felt great, I didn’t think about food that much, I felt good about my body, I checked my weight once a month (if not at all) and my weight went down from 123 to 118 and my waist was 25 inches. Everything kinda went down hill around the holiday season.

I know I’m not fat or an unhealthy weight, but I really just want to have a healthy relationship with food and feel as good as I did with my body like I did back in August. I really don’t have much of a problem with how my body looks, but my weight is bothering me and causing me to think about what I eat a lot more than I should. If anyone has any advice how to lose weight healthily and how to stop thinking so much about food/calories could you please offer advice to me? Thank you