10 month old - nursing strike or self-weaning??


Help! My 10.5 month old has been a great eater pretty much her whole life. Up until this week, she was eating 3 solid meals/day plus about 24 oz of breast milk from nursing or bottles.

This week, she’s been pickier about her solids (there’s been a lot of smearing food all over her high chair instead of eating it, and swatting away our attempts to give her spoonfuls), and has barely been drinking any milk. She’ll nurse for 7 minutes tops first thing in the morning, and then only drink about 12 ounces a day (after much cajoling). She’s refusing to nurse at all before bed now.

Is this normal or is something wrong?? I feel like I’ve been told that babies still need at least 24oz in addition to solids at this age. She definitely is having fewer wet diapers and her poo seems quite hard.

Please help!!