Not asking, just wondering

So I know only a test will tell me, but I’m trying not to freak out because I’ve gotten so many negatives before. So my period is late, by 12 days and that’s uncommon. I got these big bumps that weren’t bug bites and started to swell and rash for a couple of days. I get nauseous but never enough to vomit.... but most importantly I’ve been having spotting for like 3 days and today i got lower back pain but it’s not the usual “painful cramping”, it’s light pink and sometimes darker so I think I’m going to start my period but the spotting just goes away and it’s occurring just once a day... I know only a test will tell me but is that what some of you went through? Tell me your experiences of finding out you were pregnant since we are all stuck in the house! Much love ❤️