A rant and need you alls opinions..

My husband and I have been married for 4 years. I’m 23 he’s 24, we own a house together and both have full time jobs and a dog. I’ve been very frustrated recently because I feel like I’m the only one who does things. When I tell you I do EVERYTHING, I mean it. The only thing he does for the house is just help pay the bills, he doesn’t clean, doesn’t touch laundry, I do all outdoor caretaking, I make the bed, I pick up laundry, I take trash out, I load and unload the dishwasher. You name it. I feel very burnt out, and every time I ask to help he says “no, I work a full time active job and you just stress me out!! if you want me to help then I’ll get an easier job then I would be more than happy to help around the house” I have to bribe him to just take the trash out. I’ve had multiple talks with him, and when he notices things piling up he says “you need to do this laundry, it’s been in the hamper for x amount of days..so I will reply why don’t you help me fold them and he goes no!! Stop stressing me out! Same with anything. I can’t keep this damn house picked up and clean because I’m constantly cleaning up after him!!! Ugh I can’t tell him to help me because he won’t and he just argues with me.