Dumbest question

I have a seriously dumb question... I was supposed to move between April and May.. like move states, not just houses. Can I still do this? I haven't heard anyone tell otherwise. I know things are looking dreary right now and it may even be a bad idea to move because of jobs not 100% being secure right now plus we are all still worried about the spread of this disease. I've been seeing so many articles that say this may take a long time. We could be out early as summer but we could be in for a lot longer too. I personally cannot stay in the living situation I am in. It is mildly... for lack of a better word abusive.. I dont want to call it that because I can deal, but... it is ultimately no matter how much I want to deny it.. what do I do? Can I even still move? Do I have to try to find someone close by to maybe stay with until this all blows over? Even my grandparents are supposed to move this April, they just bought the house before all this happened... idk what we are all expected to do right now and is it selfish of us to move when we had planned this way before any disease?