1 month old sleeping schedule

I’m at a loss. My daughter just got out of the NICU a few days ago when she turned a month old. In the NICU they get her up every 3 hours to feed and change her so she was on that schedule for a month.

She saw her pediatrician today and he said to try keeping her up during the day more and letting her sleep at night and only wake her up at night to eat every 5 hours if she doesn’t wake up on her own.

Well, she doesn’t wake up on her own at all or cry when she’s hungry unless she gets woken up about something else. She will literally just keep sleeping. So I don’t want to only feed her when she acts hungry because she never does because she’s so tired all the time.

How can I set a good schedule for her so she sleeps more during the night and keep her up during the day since she’s so tired? Should I be waking her up to feed her like they did in the NICU? What do you think would be best?

Just looking for different opinions and advice.