Mysterious cramping


Before you read on, I warm that I talk about my vaginal discharge in slight detail.

So I got my period twice within a two week span, both lasted about 5 days each. one at the end of Feb, the other the beginning of March. I started cramping pretty bad on March 20th, and it's been going on and off, mostly on, since then. My period (according to <a href="">eve</a>) isn't supposed to come for another 10 days. I've never had cramping like this before my period, not this far away from it anyways. I've also been having a thick stringy white discharge, along with a white almost watery discharge. I haven't yet taken a pregnancy test, but I do have one. Me and my fiance use the pull out method. yes I know it isn't effective against pregnancy, it's by choice on both parties.

Should I take the pregnancy test?

Could it be something else?