Daughter hates bassinet!

Lauren • Had my sweet girl 02/22/20 - 5 weeks early due to rare genetic disorder💗 Had my handsome man 09/30/22 - 3 weeks early due to low birth weight💙

My daughter is fresh out of the NICU 2 days ago. Last night she did fine with sleeping but tonight, she wants nothing to do with her bassinet. She whined and fussed the whole time in it and would not go to sleep. I changed and fed her and put her back in it, and still she wouldn’t stop.

I laid her in the bed with me to comfort her and she stopped crying right away, but as soon as I put her back in the bassinet she cries again.

I’m scared to have her sleep in the bed with me because it’s not safe sleep but she literally will not sleep in her bed.

What should I do?