Weird symptoms


Hey everyone, I’d like to hear your opinion on some symptoms I’ve been showing lately.

It’s been about a week now and I’ve been having some stomachache, quite mild but it wouldn’t go away. At the same time, I got cramps in my ovaries (I should make you aware of the fact that I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago, and I used the pill both as a remedy for that and as a contraceptive, because I’m sexually active with my boyfriend)

Now, I’m not on my period and I won’t be for the next 2 weeks, so it’s a little odd to me why I’m getting cramps and stomachache. Also, I should mention that my last period (last month) was very light and there was barely any blood, but it might be because of the pill, which decreases blood loss during periods.

Now, me and my boyfriend are LDR (but we’re closing the distance in 3 months, yaaay! 🥳) and we have always been careful. I never skipped a pill and I’ve always taken it religiously. Never took any antibiotics because I know they can get rid of the effect of the pill. It’s been 4 weeks since I last saw my boyfriend, so I would like some advice from you all. Oh, also, I haven’t had any stool issues or nausea at all. It’s just stomach pain and cramps. Is this a sign of early pregnancy or is it just my PCOS reminding me that it’s still here? I really hope it’s the latter!