Traveling in a pandemic ?

I really want to travel? Are planes still running? I don’t know how I feel about this virus... I’m so scared of it, or getting it. Last month I got into a car accident and I have been home ever since so I’m not too sure how bad it actually is outside, but anyways with this in mind ... I really want to go out of town. I am in a ldr and I just feel like if I am going to be stuck in a house I would rather be stuck in his rather than mine, and he wants me there. Obviously I would drive if that was possible but I totaled my car, and the doctors have said to not drive for 6 months, so flight is the only option. Also he can’t come here he’s in the military so in that sense it makes more sense to me to go there


Obviously I’m scared just like most people are, I feel that it might be almost inevitable of getting , it seems bad, and I meant I should go before i can’t go. Also regardless of if I go get on a plane and go to him even if I wasn’t to do that I have a lot of doctors appointments here that I still have to go to - but I feel more open to just canceling them and just going to him...I don’t know what to think. I am scared regardless of either.

Also I don’t see how my mentality would equate to others when I definitely do not have coronavirus since I’ve definitely been stuck in my house since the beginning of February...and I would just be getting on planes and then going to my boyfriends & STAYING IN. Now if I’m the timing of me going to his house I got coronavirus....I would be in his house, and probably only he would get it ...and we have already talked about that.