I’m so proud of my body

Celeste • Mama to a baby boy💙 And dog mama

So I’ve struggled with my supply and my son dropping in percentiles and it’s been tough.

When it would drop I’d barely be able to pump anything, and ounce or two? I tried the teas and the cookies and even lecithin bc I read it can help make you milk fattier (no studies for that, just other moms saying it helped them). I think I’ve been in denial that

But last Friday we went in for a weight check and my son had only gained 4oz in two weeks. Very disheartening since I’ve been trying to hard.

So we’re officially supplementing now- at least twice a day, and the pediatrician wants me to pump and bottle feed more than breast feed just so we can see exactly how much he is eating.

Anyway- I am proud of my body because it feels like it is finally answering the call. Pumping both sides, I just pumped 10oz! 10! And I did breast feed him when he first woke up then pumped and still got this much!

This makes me feel hopeful again.