Anxiety 22wks-24wks previous loss worries


On February 14 2017 I found out I was pregnant and we extremely happy. She was due October 28 2017. Long story short...week 22 I had reached up to turn my living room ceiling fan on and felt a small (very small gush) I was always the type to run to the OBGYN/Er while pregnant over the smallest things that concerned me and my family had recently laughed at me for doing this over worrying. So when that happened I told myself No..your not running to the doctor over this because I was constantly having watery cm during pregnancy so I figured that's what was happening...a couple days later I just felt she wasn't moving as much so I made an appointment to be seen. I explained the water feeling and asked for an ultrasound and he said no but he listened to her heart for about 8min straight said all sounded well and sent me home. A few more days later closer to 23wks I noticed a smell and I knew it was BV so made another appointments to be checked. She checked me (different OBGYN doctor) and said she be right back with results. She came in 5min later and could tell on my face something was wrong so I explained again. She said let's get you to ultrasound. So the tech was checking me and ran out the door literally 2min later with 2 more doctors. I was alone this day for my appointment so I wasn't prepared for anything. The nurse put me in a consolation room were I waited for the doctor were I was told...your fluid is dangerously low and she may not make it. I sat there crying and begging on my knees to him please save her help us please! He said there is nothing they could do until I reached 24wks. They sent me home on bedrest end of June and if I could make it to the following Friday at 24wks they would hospitalized me until she was born. The day I turned 24wks I had my bag packed and headed for the hospital. Ultrasound was running way behind and I sat waiting for 3hrs until my name was called back....the ultrasound tech looked at me as though I just lost a puppy.. " WELP no heartbeat today!" I'm so sorry to tell you, no emotion on her face, no caring it was her job and just another day..(she no longer works there cause of this)...this all happened on 7-7-17. I was immediately taken upstairs for induction were my sweet angel was born sleeping at 24wks in the Lords arms 7-8-17....My anxiety is high right now because I'm 22+1. I had my beautiful rainbow October 28 2018 and she came all on her own on her big sister's actual due date, She wasn't due until November 9 so I find that crazy! But I'm stressing out really bad again scared something is or will happen. I'm worried over the slightest cm I feel. Because if I'd listened to my mommy instincts that day my water was slowly leaking....she'd possibly be here today but I didn't and tried to play strong mom instead😔.