8 weeks late... pregnancy symptoms and negative tests


Hey ladies,

Can anyone has experienced a similar situation than mine.

I’ve been missing my periods for the last 8 weeks and had some spotting on Feb 19th and nothing since then... Yet I feel nauseous, bloated, back pain, nose bleeding, tender bigger breast...

My baby just turned 1 year on March 15 and self weaned himself from breastfeeding around the time my periods went missing.

I’m on a pill that allowed me to breastfeed but it is only 90% efficient and drops to 40% when taken with antibiotics which is my case.

I took 4 pregnancy digital test (same one that I’ve used on my first pregnancy) and they were negative.

My baby doctor (who was following me during my pregnancy) which I saw 2 weeks ago believes that I’m pregnant... She did suggest that I get a blood test done by the end of the month.

I’m kinda confused...

Please anyone, can you help with advice or sharing your own experience?...

Thank you in advance sending blessings! ♥️😇🙏🏾