Sexual Problem

Hi everyone, im just stressed and have anxiety about this and need advice or suggestions.

I’m 20 years old in a very faithful relationship with my boyfriend and have been together for a year. Before our relationship I was very irresponsible and ended up with chlamydia but we both got treated and handled it. Now, he has the belief that every time he gets a small yet smooth bump in his pubic area believes its the chlamydia and yet with the timeline (I got retested to be sure it was gone and was confirmed in this), there’s no way I could have given it to him again as I saw him a week before and we slept together before we were even sure after my call back.

Even with that, he has gotten one of his lumps again, and there is only one as always but he’s connected the chlamydia to this and says it only happens after we sleep together (we are long distance but have come back together since school is out). I am 1000% sure he is very faithful as well, so I am sure he hadn’t slept with anyone else.

Does anyone know what it could be? I have very limited healthcare (aka I have none) so I was planning to get a pelvic exam in April, but the internet is such an overwhelming place so I don’t think it’s genital warts but I don’t know and I just want to comfort him (so I can comfort myself). Anything can help, or suggestions.