Any experience or advice???

Araya • 😔👎🏼PCOS👎🏼😔 Heart shaped uterus❤️❤️ Fiancé is Chase. Definitely want to be a mom at some point.

Okay so I’m waiting on more tests to come in the mail but I have no clue what going on. I was four days late for my period. Had a bunch of symptoms. Had two faint positives. But Friday night I started cramping horribly at about 11pm I started bleeding huge clots and stringy blood . Saturday was more clots but lightened and Sunday was almost nothing and today nada. I am still feeling super nauseous and tired. But I’m anxious. I don’t know if I’m pregnant and that was okay. If I miscarried. Or if I am having an ectopic. P.S. I have PCOS.