Hello little one! A letter to my unborn.


Hello little one,

In just six short weeks, you will be here, in our arms. I wish I could say I was bringing you into a world that was peaceful and full of certainty, but right now, I cannot promise you that. I can promise you that you will be loved. From right here, by us, and from your family afar.

Our world is being hit hard right now, a new virus is spreading through our population, fast. Borders are closed, shopping is limited, socialising is on hold and panic is driving our societies. People are saying this might be the new normal. No one in charge has any answers, and a feeling of dread has settled into my bones.

The hardest part in all of this is that I cannot guarantee your safety. I can only do my best to protect you from all that wants to harm us. Even then, some forces are stronger than a mother’s protection.

A part of me wishes I could press pause and that it’s both selfish and silly to bring your innocence into this world at a time like this. As I sit in our living room looking out at what once was a community full of life, a fear of what is next comes naturally.

The images of horror and destruction are relentless, but so too are the examples of kindness in its wake. Our infection level’s may be rising but our weapons against this virus are increasing daily. This is hope! And all I can do for you is what is best for right now.

So in the coming weeks and months, when the rising panic finds it's way in and I look too far into the future that awaits you, I'm going to focus on what is best for us, for now.

I’m going to make sure you have everything you need. I’m going to smile every time I feel you move. I’m going to tell your dad I love him. I’m going to breath. I’m going to find hope in every dark corner I can.

My <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">pregnancy app</a> told me today, at 34 weeks exactly, you might already be dreaming. I hope so, my boy! Please dream sweet, dream big and never stop.

Mum x