We’re trying for a baby 👶🏻

Amy • Mommy to be 🍼👶🏻 An ending is not the end 🦋

Hey girls!! Me and my boyfriend have been trying for a baby & it’s our very first time trying!! Sooo the first month we tried I got my period & we’re hoping for this month to be our month! I am keeping track with my period & ovulation with my apps and what not but sometimes it can be very tricky for me because my periods are irregular at times. Please send us baby dust. Sooo crazy because I’m so excited and ready for this new journey in our life’s & so is he and I feel like he is more excited than I am & that’s what makes everything feel so right!!!! Thank you for reading. Blessings to you alllllll.

Ps. Feel free to leave any baby tips 💞👶🏻