Day 9 of lockdown


I have been having a hard time dealing with my boyfriend these days. We get into arguments every single day, because of little things that we should not even be arguing about. Day 1, he argued with me because of the health system, when Im just trying to explain our situation in the medical field. Day 2, because of the guidelines on anti rabies shots. Day 3, about the company i'm working with. Day 4, Etc. I hate counting, I always try to forget. But he'd ask me to list down these things when he's angry and i'd just clam up, so now it's like i'm making a mental note of all the things we argued about and i hate that... Mind you we are not even debating on different sides, it's just that he wants to argue and win. All he cares about now is winning.. I've been feeling worthless, as his girlfriend and as a doctor.. and I have to deal with him screaming on the other line every single day as if I cannot do anything right. That, or I'm getting brushed off. I couldn't sleep well last night because I felt like I was going to snap. Like you're screaming inside and you cannot even bring yourself to cry. He always says he knows me well, that he knows when i'm upset just by the tone of my voice, but these days, i don't know.. its like he cannot even sense that he's hurting me that way. I cannot even confront him about it, because he'll say that i'm making him feel bad, and i'm making him feel guilty. I don't know what to do..