Need help please!?


Hey all so I have a question, or few...

What is pcds mean for a view on a ultrasound?

Slow rise numbers, do they automatically mean non viable?

Occasional pain, like twice.(so far) and by that it was like really terrible menstrual cramps. With no blood. Had first pain at 3/11, went to ob, did ultrasound in office said there were abnormality in what could see on that machine, told me from that suspected that was a Molar Pregnancy told me if was it wasn't viable. Sent me to do blood right after appointment with a better ultrasound on 3/13 got my levels same day as that next ultrasound was in the 6500ish range and with that and the ultrasound ruled out the Molar pregnancy,and wasn't concerned with that number pretty much was in the 'normal guidelines for hCG'. But was still abnormalities in ultrasound was talking after of being possible ectopic or tubal pregnancy, the plan was then get more blood on 3/17 or 3/18 with another ultrasound at end of week (3/20), I went for blood 3/17 levels came back 3/18 at the range of 8230ish, said that number didn't rise like should and the pregnancy is not viable cause didn't raise good enough was trying to strong arm on the phone to skip my 3/20ultrasound and go into OR for a DNC(because he's been doing this longer and he KNOWS that it isn't viable). Has talked about being "fluid" or "blood" showing on ultrasound. He was wrong once, I got copies of my scans from radiology on a disk, there's a few spots in them that measure a fetal pole/sac, and an ovary for comparison of size with the sac. They have down number of fetuses but the box next to ectopic is empty nothing located in it. If it was an ectopic or tubal wouldn't that box have something marked in it???

Has someone had a 'complicated' start and go on to have a healthy pregnancy/baby?

Can anyone share their non viable, ectopic/tubal pregnancies?

Can anyone share any story that will either a)help me come to terms b) give me hope and faith that I am fully right to stand my ground.

I feel like he was wrong once why am I going to believe him automatically now, I feel like where my pregnancy could be labeled as complicated with this CoVid19 going on he's trying to get rid of me and getting rid of my baby. I know he has not been consistent in saying it is an ectopic or tubal, he's talked about them or when does do a DNC he can tell for sure it was one way or another or even pregnant tissues he could send to pathology to later tell me what it was or wasn't instead of definitely figure it out now. I am not a guinea pig! To take my baby over just abnormality, and tell me later what was what!! I need help with all this from real people that have lived whatever story they have. Seriously anything anyone can tell me, honestly would be a big help. Thank you if you took time to read and respond!