I’m already sick of being self quarantined.


I live in the state of Georgia and I’m bored. Everything has been canceled. I’m already sick of Netflix, Sling, Roku, Tubi and You Tube. I work from home so I don’t worry too much about getting infected with the Coronavirus. I feel healthier than I have in a long time. I moved back in with my dad and younger sister while the quarantine is going on so that I would have someone to talk to. My SO is living with his dad, stepmom and step siblings at the moment. My SO and I have been together for two years and two months. I’m thinking about asking him to move in with me after the Coronavirus is over since I will be buying a house. He has his own apartment and I don’t want to live in an apartment again. Do y’all think it’s too soon for me to ask him to move in with me? I also have baby fever. I’m ready to start trying for our first baby. Neither one of us have any kids and we both love children.