
Little backstory - I live 6 hrs away from my family. I haven't seen them since Christmas. I miss them so much and it's so hard being a sahm when my mom and sister live so far away. I'm pregnant with our second baby and we were planning on telling my family in person. We were going to go last weekend but then my stepdad got gastroenteritis. Now with all the covid 19 business, I don't know if I should go. We had planned on post poning the trip to this weekend.

So far, there are only 2 cases in the county we live in and none in the county my family lives in. There aren't any shelter in places in either of our states. We'd take extra precautions getting there - lots of hand sanitizing, hand washing, keeping our first in the car. We wouldn't have to fill up with gas until we left to come back and typically only stop twice for pee breaks. And we'd only be going to my parents house while we're in town. We'd be leaving here Friday and coming back Monday.

Would you go? The CDC says they don't know if pregnant women are at greater risk.