Should I text him? And if yes, what should I say? (Read description)

My company was forced to do mass layoffs this week and it’s been horrible. I was “fortunate,” I suppose, in that I wasn’t actually laid off but was just put on a temporary unpaid leave, but for an indefinite amount of time (presumably many months).

One of my coworkers who I am close with (we have actually gotten to be friends outside of work) texted me and was telling me what was going on at the office, and apparently another one of our coworkers who I am also friendly with got laid off.

I used to be in the same department as this coworker, but I switched departments over the summer so we aren’t anymore. However, I have sat at the desk next to him since I started work there 2 years ago. We aren’t friends outside of work but we do talk at work every day (and we have conversations that aren’t just work-related). We always sit together at work functions, I’ve met his wife, he’s met my husband, etc. We’re basically about as close as you can get to a work-friend, without extending the relationship outside of work AT ALL (like, under normal circumstances, I would feel super weird about just texting him and it’s not like we’re close enough to hang out or anything).

I’m really really torn on whether or not I should text him to check in on him. Like I said, I was forced out on leave but according to my friend, this coworker was actually completely laid off. I literally could not sleep last night feeling sorry for him and being stressed about this. I really do want to reach out to check on him but I don’t know if that’s selfish or weird. He has been at the company longer than I have, so I don’t want to rub in his face that he got laid off while I’m only on leave. I don’t want to be insensitive or make him hurt more, but I do want to be there for him if I can and see if he’s ok... but I’m not sure if that’s selfish. I don’t want to risk upsetting him more just to make myself feel better.

Any thoughts? Do I reach out? And if so, what do I say? Again, it’s not like we are “friends” at all, just close for coworkers and someone I’ve sat next to every day for 2 years.

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