Laurabeth • 💍2015💞 🎀Penelope2016🏎Eliseo2018 🪁Jehu2020🐣Chadwick2021 👼Alma2023

I live on California and am having a home birth and I’m warning you, they are still putting dumb restrictions on home birth. Like I have to wear a mask as well as my husband and midwife and no one is allowed in the house when my time to deliver comes. Not even my children! So be prepared if you switch to home birth that there are still some restrictions and the medical board says that these could change at anytime. I screen shot a pic of the email my midwife sent me, which is just the intro to all the new guidelines. It even goes as far to state that “if quarantined or curfews are put in place, midwives cannot guarantee their ability to attend a birth or for birth to occur in the planned location.” I can only assume their implying we’d have to go to the hospital which is absolutely ridiculous when they need those hospital beds and rooms for people who actually need it such as covid19 patients. And that would unnecessarily increase the chance of exposure for me and my child to the virus. So just warning you guys, homebirth guidelines are changing right now and might change more. I’m sorry this is happing to us mamas right now, but we will get through it! Sending love and prayers to all you mamas and your families out there ❤️❤️❤️


They just changed a couple things like now I don’t have to wear a mask lol and you can now labor in a birth tub but not push. And of course, these are subject to change. I’ll keep posting updates Incase things get really crazy!