Everyone is finding out and I didn’t tell them.

I’m 5w 6d pregnant, only my partner and my mum knows (she’s my best friend) I’ve had a couple of losses so I told her for moral support. My step father (not in a relationship with my mum but share a child) read her messages and found out, he then proceeded to tell my sister who then proceeded to tell EVERYONE. My gran, my cousins, my uncle, post it on Facebook “I’m gonna be an auntie!!” and tagged me in it which automatically appeared on my page for my partners family to see and our mutual friends. I am fucking furious! I can’t believe this. I did not want anyone knowing. I’m so devastated it’s no one else’s business and I can’t believe other people have found out this way. I fully blame my ‘step father’, my sister is 17 and immature, and he told her knowing she would do this. I am so angry and upset.