Migraine Mamas??? Help please!!!


Any moms that already suffered from migraine before pregnancy or are suffering now?? I’ve suffered from them for the past 12 years and let me just say this is the worse they’ve been. Literally, I get maybe one day of relief then 2-5 days worth of migraines straight. I am so miserable and i don’t think I can look at Tylenol anymore. I feel horrible all the Tylenol I’ve taken but these migraines are soooo disabling and they get so bad they make me vomit! Yes I am drinking water my pee is practically clear! And I’ve tried magnesium for the past month that’s not helping either. Any other suggestions? I had an appointment for yesterday but it was cancelled due to this lovely virus that’s been going around (totally being sarcastic). Anything would help please Im open to all suggestions and opinions.