Inducing questions/concerns

Kaitlyn • 2014/2018/2020/2021/2022

My first kid was 12 days late and born the day before they were going to induce.

My second was 9 days late and born the day before they were going to induce.

This is my third.

Both my kids are born on family members birthdays. We joked about inducing this time because my birthday is a week before my due date and I have LARGE babies, the first was 9lbs 2.5 oz, the second 10lbs 8.8oz.

However, with this virus outbreak and health concerns; being induced this time may become a reality.

My 16 month old daughter is high risk due to a a lung condition.

My husband is high risk due to his immune system.

And apparently being pregnant I am considered to be also.

That leaves everyone in our house but the five year old to be high risk. My husband is freaking out over this and I swear is in-front of the news 24/7.

I’m spending my time shopping on amazon ;)

Both times I have been told I’d be induced and haven’t had too.

Labor with my first was hard. Both my babies were face up.

My second was 30 minutes of pushing and she was out.

I’ve heard being induced makes labor pains worse.

Can anyone share their experiences with being induced?

Experienced with natural labor vs being induced?

Thank you!