Adding in solid-food snacks?


I’m an at-home, nursing mom, and my little guy has settled into a nice pattern of breastfeeding 6+ times a day (first thing in the morning, bedtime, and before and after his two naps). He also generally enjoys joint me at the table for 3 meals a day. But now, as we’re approaching the 1-year mark, I want to follow local (Canadian) recommendations to also offer solid-food snacks 2-3 times a day. And I’m struggling to see how it all fits in. Have you solved this?

Here’s our current schedule:

7am up, breastfeed

~8am breakfast

~9:30am breastfeed

10am nap

11:30am breastfeed

~12pm lunch

~2pm breastfeed

~2:30 nap

~4pm breastfeed

~5:30-6pm supper

~7pm breastfeed

8pm asleep

Meals take at least 30 minutes, plus usually a full change of clothes. More solids seem to mean less playtime, since I won’t let him run around with spoons or food in his mouth. Thoughts?