Our gyms may be canceled, but our fitness is not! *[EDIT]*


We need to take care of ourselves now more than ever! Make your health a priority by eating a healthy diet and getting your daily exercise. Home workouts are just as effective as the gym. In fact, since becoming a mom, I've only ever worked out at home, and I feel and look stronger and fitter than I ever have! Take advantage of the quarantine/isolation, and do something amazing for yourself! Why not if you have the time, right?

Day 3! Let's go! I'm coming for you, rest day! 😜

Here's Pamela Reif's other fitness plans! I'm doing the 30 min a day plan, because I also do 20 min daily yoga sessions. Dont forget to stretch everyday too! So important to prevent injury and for your sore and recovering muscles!

It's never to late to start and make a positive change in your life. Trust me. You'll thank yourself later. No more excuses. We got this ❤


Workout complete ✔

It feels so good to check off another day! I feel more and more accomplished with each check 😁

I may look a hot mess rn, but just wait until summer! 😉☀️