Therapy, weed and being a mom

Alright ladies, looking for some advice and not a bunch of bashing.

I used to smoke weed every single day for about 4 years. I was self medicating to deal with anxiety and PTSD. I became pregnant 3 years ago and stopped using and hadn't used since.

A year ago I reached out for help after putting my mental health on the back burner and caring for my child and then I became pregnant again. When I started seeing my therapist in my records I had something along the lines of marijuana dependency or something of the sorts and because I hadn't used in three years she put me as remission and she will occasionally ask if I've used or have urges to use.

To try and make a long story short, I've started using again. I will eat an edible in the evenings on the weekend while my fiance is home and he cares for our two babies and puts them to sleep.

If I was to mention to my therapist that I'm using again, would that be something she has to report because shes a mandated reporter and theres children in the house? Even though my fiance is here and caring for them?

I live in Connecticut and it's not legalized for recreational use here but it is for medicinal and I have considered getting my card, which I would be able to obtain with my diagnosis with PTSD.

But I dont want to tell my therapist I'm using and have dcf/CPS banging on my door.