Baby Name Regret..

I’m pregnant with my second child, a baby boy. I’m a single mother to a beautiful girl, Salem. Different fathers, both exes. Unlike my daughter’s father, my son’s father is actually involved in the pregnancy and wants to be involved in his life. Which is amazing! But I’m having an issue with the name.

We had a few girls names we REALLY liked. Blair was our favorite. When it came to boys we couldn’t agree on anything. I liked Ripley for a girl so when he suggested Apollo, I said yes because of the space-type feel that Ripley had.

After we chose Apollo, he wanted Marshall as a middle name in honor of a friend that passed and I agreed. Since it’s his first kid and I didn’t have any middle names I was set on.

We announced last week (at 20 weeks) and I’ve gotten mixed reviews on Apollo. I was planning to call the baby Ollie as a nickname but his dad hates it.

I’m starting to really love the sound of Blair for a boy. It flows nicely with my daughter’s name and sounds better with the middle name. But I mentioned it to his dad and he said no because we already announced the name and he likes Apollo more.

I just.. don’t feel like it’s right. Maybe the name will grow on me? But right now when people ask me what his name is, I cringe because I know I’ll get a negative reaction. What would you ladies do? Wait until the baby is here and make sure it’s REALLY what we think best suits him?

I’m worried sick about this. I know it’s dumb but this coparenting this is hard. I’m glad he’s taking a huge interest in our child but I miss getting to make some of these decisions on my own. I’m the one growing the baby and it’s hard to call him something I’m not sure fits him.
