I've been having lots of weird coincidences happening to me lately...


Last week I had a dream that my boss was telling me my favorite resident passed away. 2 days later she texted me and let me know that hospice predicted 48 hours. She passed 4 days after my dream.

Friday I had a dream that something happened to my husband's stepdad and he was in the hospital. Last night he got admitted into the ICU with an aneurysm.

Sunday night before bed I was thinking about my grandma. When I was little we would spend one evening a week at her house. We would go with her to pick my cousin up from work and there was ALWAYS this one song on the radio. I was thinking about that song and how it's weird that I haven't heard it since I was little, especially since we always have the oldies country radio station and tv channel playing at work. I was thinking maybe it was a fragmented memory. When I got to work (the assisted living my grandma used to live at) Monday morning I saw a cardinal out in the courtyard. Later on I was down the hall talking to my coworker. She went into a room so it was pretty quiet, but a resident had the country station playing on her tv. The song was playing on it...

I was feeding that resident earlier that morning and she started rubbing my belly talking about a little baby.

Today is the first day of my period and we really didn't try this month because we had a lot of other stuff going on so I know I'm not pregnant. But I'm hoping all these coincidences are a sign that something is coming. Does anyone have any theories on what it could be?