

I know many of our ideal births/celebrations/postpartum plans have gone out the window at this point. I’m trying to accept what may happen and wrap my head around everything. If I’m going to have to give birth alone, be without our oldest daughter while I’m at the hospital, get different care than expected, not be able to have visitors/helpers postpartum...

Has anyone found businesses, instagrams, programs etc that help moms navigate through these changes in our plans and how to be able to do more things by ourselves? Navigating birth is totally different by yourself vs with a support person.

I know I will have a nurse and doctor available but am getting worried about their motivations to push interventions. And my nurses and doctors during my last birth weren’t especially helpful and really only did a quick check in with me every few hours. Except my first nurse, loved her. I’m just trying to figure out what to do if I don’t have a support person and my nurse isn’t fully available or helpful in the way I need.